Welcome to Chasing Militaria! With over a decade of experience in the field of collecting militaria, we specialize in World War Two original American, German and Russian medals and militaria. As collectors ourselves we expanded our hobby and through our website we would like to offer you the best World War Two original medals and militaria. Please feel free to have a look around on our website!
Chasing Militaria does not have any affiliation with any future, present or past political parties or military organisations.
All the artifacts we offer are intended for collectors of WW2 memorabilia or historical research only!
WW2 Cased Purple Heart Medal €200.00
WW2 Cased Occupation Medal €45.00
Vietnam Era Navy Cross €125.00
WW2 Victory Medal €22.50
WW2 Occupation Medal €22.50
Modern Era Airman's Medal €20.00
WW2 Good Conduct Medal Set €27.50
WW2 Cased Air Medal €135.00
MINT WW2 Cased Bronze Star Medal €175.00
WW2 Cased Purple Heart Medal €150.00